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Svein-Magne Pedersen
President of
Jesus Heals Ministries

Was able to stop taking the nitro

Kirsten Reknes (67) was diagnosed with angina in 2002 and had to take nitro with her everywhere she went. Going to a meeting in the Pentecostal church in the city of Trondheim changed everything.

Photo by Jan Inge Skeie

-I decided to attend a meeting at the Pentecostal church to hear Svein-Magne preach and to receive prayer, Kirsten says. She ended up sitting in the sanctuary until late at night. She watched a woman who was healed for angina and demonstrated the healing by running up and down the stairs without feeling pain.

-Four o'clock in the morning Svein-Magne asked everyone who was still sitting in the sanctuary to come to the front. He prayed a short prayer for each of us standing there. I did not feel anything right away and was a little bit disappointed, especially at the thought of that woman who was healed from the same sickness that I had, Kirsten admits.


-But little by little there was change and I noticed that I could go for walks without using nitro, the 67 year old says and adds that she was a little bit careful to begin with, but eventually she became increasingly more daring.

She was constantly getting better, and in 2006 she had a new appointment with the heart specialist.

-I was informed that I was well, and did not need to return, she said with excitement.

Three years have gone by since she was healed, and she is still healed. And of course her life has completely changed since the years she had the angina.

Chest pain

-My chest would ache just from carrying some heavy grocery bags and walking up a hill. Just crossing an overpass was enough for me to feel pain, Kirsten tells. She knew that something was wrong and booked an appointment with a heart specialist. It was confirmed that she had a certain type of spasm angina and that she needed to start using nitro. She was also sent to the hospital to have new more examinations.

-I was very much in pain during that examination and had to take nitro two times, she says, and adds that after that examination she brought the nitro with her everywhere she went.

Was sent in an ambulance

-I could get some severe attacks and had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. In the ambulance they had to use oxygen and spray. This spray is stronger and takes effect faster than regular nitro, she tells.

In addition to the actual attacks, she had had a lot of anxiety.

-I was very afraid of being alone. I was totally isolated, and my husband could not go anywhere because of the anxiety. This became very strenuous for both of us, says Kirsten, who also had an alarm installed in her house. This way she could get quick and direct contact with home care’s emergency help central if necessary.

-I was in great need of people who were able to come quickly if something were to happen, she says seriously.

But today everything is different and she can do the same things that she could before she became sick.

-I could not drive when I was sick, but now I'm driving again. Great change has taken place after Svein-Magne prayed for me, she says and adds that she goes for walks and rides her bicycle without having spray or nitro with her.

-I can do the same things that I did before. I feel exceedingly grateful for what has happened, Kirsten Reknes concludes.

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